Saint Matthew Staff
Rectory: 120 Church Avenue - (860) 583-1833
- Fr. John Dietrich, Pastor
- Fr. Nathaniel Labarda, Parochial Vicar
- Brian Armstrong, Deacon
- Sonia Shavel, Parish Secretary
St. Matthew School: 33 Welch Drive - (860) 583-5214
- Dr. Liz Plasky, Principal - Web Site
- Kate Ricci, Secretary
Parish Center: 119 Church Avenue (860) 583-7806
- William L Hively, Director of Music Ministry
- Deborah York, Finance Manager
St. Gregory CCD Center: 1043 Stafford Avenue (860) 973-7001
- Maryann Wisniewski, Director of Religious Education Grades 1-5, ext. 2
- Amanda Mortali, Director of Youth Ministry & Religious Education Grades 6-10, ext. 3
Church Directory
Adult Education | ||
Altar Servers | Sonia Shavel | 860-583-1833 |
Bulletin Editor | Sonia Shavel | 860-583-1833 |
Confirmation Program | Amanda Mortali | 860-973-7001 ext. 3 |
Deacons | Brian Armstrong | 860-583-1833 |
Eucharistic Ministers | Sonia Shavel | 860-583-1833 |
Finance Manager | Deborah York | 860-583-7806 ext. 4 |
Food Pantry | Saint Ann Church | 860-582-8169 |
Guild of the Blessed Sacrament | Debbie Purvis, Pres Paty Coley, V.P. |
860-584-2732 860-583-0250 |
Lectors | Sonia Shavel | 860-583-1833 |
Men's Retreat League | Larry Nadeau | 860-841-9058 |
Music Director | William L Hively | 860-583-7806 |
Offertory Envelopes | Sonia Shavel | 860-583-1833 |
Pre-Cana Conference Team | 860-583-1833 | |
Pro-Life Committee | Marie McQueeney | 860-583-3782 |
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) |
860-583-1833 |
Sick and Homebound Ministries | Sonia Shavel | 860-583-1833 |
Trustees | Roman Czuchta |
860-582-1793 |
Ushers | 860-583-1833 | |
Women's Retreat League (ACTS) | Terry Roach | 860-583-7398 |
Webmasters/Social Media |
Dan Salce Amanda Mortali |
860-656-6104 860-973-7001 ext. 3 |